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Neil Lennon

Discussion in 'Ex Players' started by romeo9535, Apr 17, 2016.

Discuss Neil Lennon in the Ex Players area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    And here's another thing.......

    If the players want rid of the manager(and they're playing as though they do), what the * are they going to make of that decision? This is just setting us up for more poor performances and results.

    We are literally one or two more bad results from the league being over. I cannot believe that Lawwell and Desmond don't realise that. And if they do realise it but are refusing to act, then they are so unbelievably arrogant that I don't know what else to say about them.
  2. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Larsson. Forever and always.
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Cant believe what we are doing.

    Seems we are happy with mediocrity now.
    Artorias likes this.
  3. eire4

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Chicago USA
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Henrik Larsson
    Lennon may have many faults but he has given us so much over most of the past 2 decades as a player and a manager. He is not perfect by any stretch, who is but he is IMHO a class act as person, a true Celtic man and a Celtic great overall for what he has accomplished at the club.

    As for when he left last time he left because at the time he saw the team he build pretty much from scratch with the money from the sales of McGeady mostly but also Boruc sold off one by one and he did not have at the time the ability to say yes or no as at the time he pretty much had no control over transfer policy. He did not run out the door he simply became frustrated watching the team he build being sold one by one. The refusal to offer Samaras a new contract was the final straw and he resigned.

    As such I hope he sees sense and resigns this week so he can walk away with dignity.
    Real Tim likes this.
  4. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Larsson. Forever and always.
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Its * mental.

    I'm lost for words. Be interesting to see if any future managers get the same backing...I highly doubt it unless their middle name is * Francis.
    Breathnach67 and oh bhoy like this.
  5. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    what the actual * is going on here ,if this clown is in charge against milan i hope they hit double figures
    Breathnach67 likes this.
  6. The Phoenix Black Lives Matter

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Fav Celtic Song:
    Lawwell get to fuck
    There's this bizzare belief he 'rescued' us when Rodgers went to Leicester.. as if he left some cracking job to take over a mess purely out of love for Celtic.

    In fact we were the ones doing him a favour offering him his old job after he walked out the first time only to balls it up with Bolton and Hibs. Managers with those credentials don't get to manage Celtic. No wonder we're in the mess we're in.
    Sgt Neppers*, cas79 and Markybhoy like this.
  7. The Phoenix Black Lives Matter

    Nov 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Lawwell get to fuck
    He said he left because he couldn't take the club forward.

    That startling admission was made in 2014... what's changed?
  8. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Couldn't disagree more.

    He left in his first spell after 4 years which is the common shelf-life for managers - if not shorter.

    He's not "leeching" off anyone he was given a contract by the board against the majority verdict of the support, he delivered on all objectives last season bar qualification to the UCL.

    This season has been a disaster and it's patently obvious there's something rotten behind the scenes that's irreparable but it's down to the board to lead us as a club, not bank on a guy to forego what he's contractually due because he's a Celtic man.

    If and when Lawwell leaves his post you can be sure he will take every last penny he is due but he tries to make sure others don't do the same. Whether that be when he ordered Strachan to freeze out Balde for having the audacity to not want to drop his £32k a week wages or McNamara when he tried to hold out til after his contract had expired to offer him reduced terms at which point he was already on his way down to Wolves.

    The board are willing to let the club go into further freefall in the hope that Lennon relinquishes the last big football salary he might ever have. It's rotten.

    This is all on the board. Lennon is their man. if they don't think he's capable of the job, they should be taking action, paying him his 12 months severance pay and bringing in a new management team that can turn things round.

    If they aren't capable of that basic level of corporate diligence then it should be them resigning.
  9. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    Wonder if Neil spends his evenings sitting on the couch playing with a Fisher Price keyboard.....
    The_Bhoy likes this.
  10. The_Bhoy

    May 20, 2020
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Nah he stands outside his hoose testing if he can see his breath in the air
  11. Fear Dearg

    Apr 3, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Pat Bonnar
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Over and Over
    * off
    Xatraps, Sydneysider and Ewang83 like this.
  12. The Phoenix Black Lives Matter

    Nov 30, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Lawwell get to fuck
    I detest Lawwell and the board. There is no doubt they are primarily to blame for allowing this disaster to unfold.

    However, Lennon should have the decency to walk. He said he could take us no further in 2014, so what has changed? How is he now suddenly the man to take us forward in what remains of 2020, or * forbid, 2021?

    The reason he is clinging on is because he knows he'll never get a better job than the one he's in now. He doesn't give a * if he runs us into the ground, which is what he's doing, as long as he's getting paid. He's a disgrace.
  13. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    If a mediocre manager is hired or Lennon is allowed to continue managing this club then any supporter buying a season ticket next season is culpable in the regression of this football club.

    Faithful support - it isn't about blind loyalty to * that don't give a * about you. Tory * that treat you like a resource to be exploited. That's precisely what the huns are about with their monarchs. That should not be us.

    Faith is about acting in good faith. It's about honestly wanting the club to succeed for the whole, not the individual. Right now, this club is all about Peter Lawwell and his little empire of yes men. It's not faithfully trying to be the best it can be. It's not faithfully trying to entertain the support with good football.

    Withhold your money, drive the rot out and we can truly fulfil our potential. We got a glimpse of what this club can be when Lawwell is removed from the equation.

    Starve them out with your money.
    Andybhoy93, oh bhoy and The Phoenix like this.
  14. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Faithful through and through is sung by the Celtic support when Celtic lose IN GOOD FAITH.

    We, as a support, have never had a problem losing football matches when we've tried our best. We're football people ffs. We know about losing.

    We * celebrated a 0-4 defeat at Tynecastle. Tommy Burns is revered for losing IN GOOD FAITH.
    Andybhoy93 likes this.
  15. StevieBhoooy!

    Jun 18, 2012
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    They have all the ST money, the ceitic tv money and the cash from kit sales.... so do t give a * as fans can’t starve them of much until renewal time.... so (whoever is manager) come March/April .. they will spout assorted Pish about incentives. , ST bonus matches, Millions on players blah blah.... and thousands of mugs will buy into it anyway.

    This is them in the spfl! Europe’s most fan dependent and match day cash dependent league....

    can you imagine the contempt they’d have for fans if they were in the epl snd ticket revenue was mere petty cash?
    MagicBallBhoy and JamesM09 like this.
  16. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    A terrifying concept.

    It just sickens me how many fans fall for the divide and conquer trick. Those statements reek of it.

    Some 'fans' will have read those statements and resolved to spend MORE money just to * over the rest of the fans. That's the * attitude these days.
  17. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    There's a clear material change from the summer of 2014 to the summer of 2019 when he took over permanently.

    He had seen the best of his signings being sold in his first spell with little of it to reinvest in a replacement.

    In the summer of 2014 after Deila took over we spent £2.3m in total on Scepovic. There's every chance Lennon was advised this would be the case and decided it wouldn't be possible to continue getting similar results while operating on a budget slashed after the liquidation of Rangers.

    In 2019 he was taking over a Treble Treble winning squad bursting with talent and with the promise of funds - £7m spent on Julien for example.

    The prospects of taking the 2 squads forward in those moments were vastly different.

    Agree with the first part, he probably knows in his heart of hearts there will be no other football job paying him anywhere near what he's on. He's also not going to go into media after us, after more than a decade of being painted as the abrasive *.

    Disagree with the 2nd part, it's clear from our drop in form from last season to this - both collectively and individually - that there has been some rumblings behind the scenes, rumblings that he hasn't been able to resolve and get us playing again. That doesn't mean he should have to forfeit his salary. It means that the board made the wrong call in the stands of Hampden in May 2019.

    I also don't subscribe to the view that he doesn't care about the club because he's not willing to pass up circa £500k and head into managerial oblivion with no obvious prospects for future jobs.

    The club is protected by his 12 month rolling element, we should be doing the right thing and paying him up.
    MagicBallBhoy and Sydneysider like this.
  18. thailandceltic From Immigration to Domination

    May 4, 2008
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    Baile Ath Cliath
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Fav Celtic Song:
    hail hail
    Anyone still think Neil Lennon is a Celtic legend and a real Celtic man?

    He's now on par with Mo Johnson and Brendan Rodgers for me... A * Snake..
    Noskeil likes this.
  19. Breathnach67

    Sep 1, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The White and The Green
    Steady on mate. Rodgers and Lennon in the same sentence as that scum? Come on now...
  20. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    One other point I would add to this.

    The Celtic board and some of the virtue signalling twitter supporters are enjoying the suggestion we will not attract a manager of any calibre because of the 'disgusting scenes' at Celtic Park on Sunday night.

    I'm willing to bet any manager coming in would be far more put off by the Board trying to force a manager to resign rather than pay him what he's owed, especially considering it's a relatively low sum.