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[Mafia] Mafia 12- Winter is coming

Discussion in 'Competition Corner' started by Account Deactivated, Aug 28, 2017.

Discuss Mafia 12- Winter is coming in the Competition Corner area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Aye, which means you MIGHT be mafia.
  2. Dazza

    Dec 29, 2007
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    What page did you get that from mate?
  3. Keano88

    Aug 11, 2012
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    Aidan and Greenman voting TT is reason enough to trust his role claim at this point.
  4. CheGuevara

    Jul 30, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
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    Minty was either killed by mafia or by you. Bob was killed by a blue spear so was clearly killed by white walkers.

    IRA suicide killed himself by taking out Aiden who was a white walker which means that if you are telling the truth - mafia did nothing
  5. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    If I go watch Che...

    He said Mafia didn't make a kill last night, yet two Townies must have been killed by Mafia..

  6. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Scott Brown
    Vote count
    SlipperyX3 , Obaf, , Anton,, Tim-T
    AntonX6 Deebo, eddie, Che, Idioteque, Dazza, Scotia
    TimX1 , Odwc,

    @JC Anton is one vote off being lynched

    Takes 7 to lynch, Deadline 8pm Tomorrow
  7. Saul Goodman Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Scott Brown
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    One more for Anton.
  8. Keano88

    Aug 11, 2012
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    30 odd lol Just before the lynch.

    It seems to jump from 7 votes to 9 votes even though it's only Slippy who votes.
  9. Dazza

    Dec 29, 2007
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    Surely ira wouldn't have done that so randomly

    I think Ira's role was if he gets killed he can choose to kill someone else. I had a role like that before
  10. Dazza

    Dec 29, 2007
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    Wanted to see who else was on Tim Time, I see 2 Mafia members voted to kill him in the end
  11. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    Sorry I totally missed the suicide part in when reading...

    I'll the do the right thing..

  12. CheGuevara

    Jul 30, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
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    So now there are three parts to your supposed role. Investigative, killer and now you can choose your side too. Can you fly as well?
  13. Keano88

    Aug 11, 2012
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    I trust Anton is Peter Baylosh tbh.

    But I don't trust the snivelling * - Baylosh, not Anton - is Town aligned.

    He's a snake in the GoT series and not to be trusted.

    So let's see how this goes...

    vote - Anton
  14. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
  15. M.E.T.H.O.D MAN Straight from the slums of Shaolin

    Jun 20, 2013
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    This will clear ablot up hopefully
  16. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    It's not investigate, it's like a watcher role so I can see who the player has been targeted by but not what actions..
  17. CheGuevara

    Jul 30, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
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    Thread re-opened for V to post. No other posts allowed
  18. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Day 3

    After what can only be described as the bloodiest and most mental * day in the history of mafia, the good people of Celtsvile arrived back at Kings landing to regroup and gather their thoughts. Clearly after being so * stupid the first day around, there was not only 1 group of mafia, but 2, and one of those groups appeared to be white walker scum. Among the 12, there where traitors.

    Obaf, Eddie, Jc, Tim, Che and Dazza all headed the the local blacksmiths where they found Slippery already sharpening his sword, “Don’t you thunder * come anywhere * near me, I don’t trust any of you * bags as far as I can throw you” Slippery robustly declared, Eddie a man who did not take kindly to such comments replied “Listen you * breath weasel looking *, I don’t give a * who you trust, you’re slippery by name, and slippery by * nature, I bet your mam used sheep * for nail varnish”, at that Slippery drew his newly sharpened sword and pointed it towards Eddie shouting, “Back home I am a * legend you aids ridden *, I cut * like you open for banter and lubricant”. As the commotion carried on, the rest of the group arrived to ready there weapons and prepare for the final stand inside the throne room.

    “Minty was a good handsome man, one I admired greatly, he suspected Tim, and I think we should follow his final wishes by opening him up and seeing what he’s made of” Scotia proudly announced and at that pointed his dagger at Tim-time. Others followed suit one by one turning towards Tim-Time, “Are youse taking the * chicken dipper or what? Can you not see what I am, I am part man, part wolf, I am your only hope to catching the white walker scum” Tim shouted, “While your at it * kill the * talking illuminati conspiracy theory loving * bead sniffer Eddie” grunted Obaf. “Obaf are you upset because you left your space toys back home, or because you are an inbred * born of a moose and a squirrel?” replied Eddie, Jc spoke up and said “have we nothing better to be doing other than insulting one another”, “Aye right we do, we have mafia scum to kill” Idioteque replied and at that grabbed Jc, “Why is it that you constantly change your mind who you want dead, something to hide you old saggy * head *?” The others soon agreed, Jc had been changing his vote and opinion on people quite abit, maybe even more so than Minty. Jc broke away from Idioteque but backed into Che who was at the door reminiscing the previous night where he had licked out Minty’s dead and black corpse. “For * sake, ill admit it, I don’t mind if the mafia or town win, but I promise I will fight for house town from now on” Jc pleaded, the group weren’t convinced. “Pin him down lads its time we actually * hung someone” Ourdaywillcome screamed, but hanging isn’t the flavour of the month in this town and Che had other ideas, “hold that lying * down lads, he killed my cunto brother Minty, lets see what the * got cooking” Che said, Obaf, Slippery, Keano and Dazza all held JC down as Che walked over and ripped his clothes off “No I am not gay, * torture sounds painful though and makes good writing” and picked up a hot rod from the blazing fire next to them, “What’s the capital of Japan, Jc?” Che asked sarcastically, “Koki Mizuno isn’t it?” Deebo said, “Is your name Jc you spastic * *, you look like a pug with down syndrome so please don’t talk again, ugly” Che belted out towards Deebo and as he did he turned his attention back to JC grabbed his party sausage of a * and stuck the blazing rod down his Japseye, Jc screamed and Che further pushed the rod down until It was though his intestines and out of his *, Obaf in the corner couldn’t help find that this turned him on, “Down shaggy down” he muttered to himself. As Jc lay with a rod sticking out of his japseye and * Che then grabbed a hot knife again off the fire and started to sliced down one side of Jc’s * like it was a donna kebab, he then took that slice off forced Jc’s mouth open and chucked it down, Jc began to choke, the others looked on thinking what the * is going on here, but Che wasn’t bothered for he was convinced Minty had fallen to this creep. Jc carried on chocking until Slippery drew his sword and sliced off Jc’s head, “I only did it because I have a hot date with a women later and I cant be arsed looking at this donna kebab * chocking on * anymore when that will be the bird im with later” As Jc’s head fell to the ground, Tim-time noticed a card hanging out of Jc’s pocket, he walked over picked it up and it read…

    JC was indeed Mafia! He wasn't just any sort of mafia though, he was actually telling the truth when he said he was Petyr Bailish, but he was the Mafia Godfather!
  19. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Night 3

    Another dramatic day indeed, one that had taken a lot out of the group, Che was sat gleefully smiling in the corner of the blacksmiths armoury still after he had sliced Jc’s * up like a shish kebab, the others weren’t quite as gleeful as Che but theyd seen a lot lately and it was probably only going to get worse.

    Dazza thought that the cruel way the deaths were coming about was because of the lack of prayer recently being said in Celtsvile so he visited the high septum to prey to the old gods and the new for these horrorfying deaths to stop, and also for the Winter not to come, at least one of them was extremely unlikely. He knelt on a prayer matt and prayed, “Please can I have an owl, a toy soldier box set, and a mouldy orange which tastes like an onion for Christmas” Dazza whispered, as he did this he saw a sharp movement in the corner of his eye down the end of the high septum which led into a room, Dazza who felt that if he checked this out, he might just get a onion tasting orange stood up and wandered over to the room, as he entered, he saw a matt on the floor which had been moved to one side and a trap door underneath it was open, Dazza jumped down into this trap door and as he did he landed into a room which was full of onions. He looked around the room gleefully, Dazza loved onions but what he loved more was onion tasting oranges, and low and * behold he saw one, a fresh juicy orange surrounded by onions, “Mint to *” Dazza thought. As he stepped though the pile of onions he stumbled, getting back to his feet he felt movement undeath him, Dazza went to draw his sword but realised he left it behind at the blacksmiths and instead drew out a lamb sausage he had half chewed and saved for later, as he did this an arm dragged Dazza down onto the floor and into the ball pit of onions. Dazza started to choke and suffocate, there was no air but onion air and it * stank, a body rose up out of the onions and began to choke dazza, “Who the * generally preys for an owl you immature *” a voice said, Dazza couldn’t break free of his assailants grasp and he began to choke, before Dazza could pass out the killer drew his sword and stuck it inbetween Dazzas eyes, Dazza was dead…

    Or was he? Some hours later the rest of the group came looking for him and found him in the onion pit with a blue sword stuck in between his eyes, “Poor *” Scotia proclaimed, while Keano said “Do you reckon these onions are organic, or just normal onions?”, “Keano you * halfwit, Dazza is laid here dead and you are wondering if your onions have had some old * up * stained farmer chuck his * plant fertilizer over them or not, you’re a real * you no that?” Slippery aggressively said to Keano. As the group began to argue Obaf noticed a small movement of Dazza’s fingers, then he saw his legs move, then his stomach, then out of nowhere a loud scream echoed across the room, Dazza had awoken. “Why the * do I have a * blue * shaped sword stuck in my swede” Dazza shouted. “What, how, are you a * * talker or a white walker, or a * onion walker or what?” Scotia said, “He smells like my pet dog” Idioteque said, “that’s because you * wash your dog in onion juice with that weird goat * queerdo of a friend you call cidermaster” Che replied. No one new apart from Dazza how Dazza was back alive, but there was magic at work here…

    That wasn’t the only weird going on that night, as the group made their way back into their respective houses for the night, the snow began to fall ever so quicker and the wind more bitter. Borobobs grave was a site to behold, around it tributes from all his friends, some read “English queen loving *” from Scotia while others read “I wish I could of rubbed by hairy balls across your chest, I wish you rubbed my nipples like you did Obaf’s” from Keano. There had been talk that a large number of people had visited Bobs grave, but no one would admit to it, most probably because many where ashamed that they had been and had wanked over a dead body, but visitors had been non the less... Bob’s body lay cold, stiff as the rod that was still up Jc’s *, but it didn’t remain that way, Bob’s arms began to move, then legs, then *, oh no wait they were cut off, then feet, before finally bob gulped a huge breath of air, Borobob, the red priestess was back. Was this a power of her’s that she may be brought back from the dead? Did one of the visitors bring her back for the good of the town? Or was Bob saved by a more sinister creature…? Regardless of who or what allowed Bob to come back, Bob had no more power.
  20. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown