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[Mafia] Mafia 12- Winter is coming

Discussion in 'Competition Corner' started by Account Deactivated, Aug 28, 2017.

Discuss Mafia 12- Winter is coming in the Competition Corner area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
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    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    Then why don't you use that as a reasoning to try to get people to vote how you want?

    Saying that I voted and therefore you should too is terrible reasoning.
  2. CheGuevara

    Jul 30, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Greenman on 8 I think
  3. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    To whom?
  4. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    I count 7 mate, ill have another check
  5. obafgkmlt The Unseen Fenian American SpaceTeuchter

    Oct 1, 2015
    Likes Received:
    The Police States of America
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Big Jules
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let the People Sing
    Aye those two have been on some tirade all day
  6. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubomir Moravcik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    I didn't see that, sorry. As I said to Anton, My main reasoning for voting for Greenman was Deebo's reasoning.
  7. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Is he?

    9 for a lynch is it?

    * it, I've been in here too long arguing today.

    Be done with it and get some rest, see what the night brings:

    unvote: minty

    vote: greenman
  8. Keano88

    Aug 11, 2012
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    It's fine mate.

    Its just frowned upon as it spoils the game if you use it to find Mafia players Pming one another.
  9. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Majority reached
    no more posting *
  10. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubomir Moravcik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Why shouldn't someone back confirmed town, when it's someone they can trust?

    Why shouldn't they back you up when it's preceded with Deebo's reasoning.
  11. Tim-Time 1888 Always look on the bright side of Life Gold Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Enrico Annoni
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Hail Hail
    Well at least there wont be any backtracking.

    Is there a point to you bolding specific words ? Is it a secret code or something or is it meant to add gravitas :giggle1: I think you need to remember you are playing a game tbh :50:
  12. Dazza

    Dec 29, 2007
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    Hopefully that's 9, some of you could be doing with a wee rest :giggle1:
  13. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubomir Moravcik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Petty post.
  14. CheGuevara

    Jul 30, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Majority reached
    No posts until V posts some crazy * up *
    JC Anton likes this.
  15. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubomir Moravcik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Thread closed
  16. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    DAY 2
    Words cannot describe the sexual tension in celtsville since the death of cena and then Obaf but also Obaf’s resurrection courtesy of Borobob the man with 3 * and a * mint *. Minty and Che also known to many in Kings landing as the Cunto Brothers had been leading the charge to get behind the recently made undead Obaf and back whatever he wants, they both even begged for their own death at one point, much to the amusement of many.

    With all the arguing and conflict among one another many of the town decided it would be nice to go visit the “The wall”, a great big wall (in case u didn’t guess) that has kept the white walker scum away for many a century. The remaining 17 town folk ventured North beyond Winterfell to see the 74th wonder of the world. Once inside one of the walls cabins at the top, arguments broke out again. “What happens if the white walkers attack, we would be more * than Obafs dead prossy” screamed Greenman before Minty shouted “Oh * off you useless *, id rather be killed by a white walker than listen to a * talker like you” Eddie sat in the corner pondering why they where called “white walkers” and not black walkers or halfcast walkers or albino walkers. As the arguments began to take a turn for worse with personal insults flying left right and centre, Aidan, Scotia and Keano all joined Minty In calling Greenman a useless * talking cunto. Greenman tried to defend himself best he could but the arguments among one another stopped and all suddenly turned towards him, Slippery, Eddie and Idioteque all arose swords in hands while Obaf muttered “Anyone think the moon looks lovely from up here?” Minty told Obaf to “* off you space * *, I know theres talk of the three eyed raven but you have to be known as the three eyed * forskin you undead * thunder *” Obaf then drew his sword but rather than pointing it at Minty, he pointed it towards Greenman. “Grab him” Che yelled as The Ira, Tim-time, Ourdaywillcome and Eddie all leaped on Greenman while Jc and Borobob fetched rope. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, IM INNOCENT YOU OATHS!?” Greenman shouted but he got no where with his pleas of mercy. Minty couldn’t wait for the rope, he drew his dagger from its scarab and said “Pull his trousers down boys” JC looked up in disgust but Borobob a women who needed no second asking ripped Greenmans trousers off. Minty then proceeded to slice open Greemans ball sack and out came his two rugby balls one after the other. Greenman’s scream could be heard back at Kingslanding where even Cena’s dead body shivered at the thought of the pain Greenman was about to feel. First Minty cut one tesitcal in half, then the other. After that he asked The Ira “Do you have any of those old flesh eating insects left in that jar of random stuff you carry around?” Of course The Ira did and he handed them to Minty. Minty placed the insects into Greenmans ball sack and got out Borobobs sowing kit and sowed his ball sack back up, while commanding Jc, Aidan and Scotia to tie him to his chair and watch him suffer.

    The flesh eating insects ate though Greenmans half cut off testicals then when up into * and out his japseye before crawling back into his body and proceeded to eat him out. Bob had returned with the rope but Minty said “We don’t need it” As he said this Scotia slashed the bounds holding Greenman to the chair and bellowed “I AM A MAN OF HONOUR, I SHALL NOT WATCH A FELLOW MAN DIE IN PAIN LIKE THIS. IN THE NAME OF SCOTIA OF THE HOUSE *, FIRST OF MY NAME, KING OF THE * AND THE AXE WOUNDS, LORD OF THE * TOYS AND PROTECTOR OF ANN SUMMERS SENTENCE YOU TO DIE” Greenman had run off and was being chased by Che, Tim-time and Ourdaywillcome. They chased him up the halls and outside onto the top of the wall, Greenman was barely running, he could feel the insects had crawled though his balls and into his brain, he saw the edge of the wall and thought he could end this antagonising pain and kill himself, he reached the edge turned around and jumped off the great wall yelling “ALLAHU AKBAR” The others caught up and managed to watch Greenman just hit the floor of the 800 Ft drop. Some hours later Slippery went to the bottom of the wall and looked over Greenmans corpse, there was nothing left aside from blood and a card, the card read…

    Greenman was Mafia also known as [​IMG]
    Ramsey Bolton

    All those with night actions please send them, all actions need to be in by 1pm tomoz at the latest or they will be forfit for the round!

  17. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubomir Moravcik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Thread open. No posting until V posts.
  18. Account Deactivated Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 18, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Night 2
    Are you ready for this?

    Following on from the death of the Mafia * that was Greenman, the folk of Celtsville got a much needed break through following the tough day that had been before it. After a good day at the great wall, the weather started turning even more unpredictable than before and the snow storms began. With the temperature plunging the remaining group decided to head back home to Kings landing to so they could go solidify their position and prepare for the oncoming storm and whatever evil came with it.

    As they all rode back south, The IRA felt that the mood was too low for his liking, so starting singing about his one true love, a man called Wanyama67, “ooooooh Wanyama just hold me in your armssss and let this moment linger, they’ll take me out at dawn and I will die…” His voice was soul piercing and had already given Che aids while Minty had developed tinitus, “CUT THAT * * SINGING OUT YOU CARROT * *, IV SEEN WANYAMA HE IS A * UGLY LITTLE *” Slippery shouted, “Its not his looks I fell for, its his personality you heartless *” The Ira replied, the group laughed as Scotia spoke up and said “You cant * over a personality can you ya * smackbean, now shut the * up singing or ill get Obaf to start telling you space stories” Obaf’s eyes lighted up but he was quickly shot down by Keano who said “Don’t you started talking about that * moon * again yer crispy winnit (feel free to urban dictionary that if you aint from England and Northern) munching *”

    The group reached the midpoint between the North and the South when the weather became too cold and the darkness had crept in, the group set up camp for the night with JC suggesting they make a camp fire and set up watches, Minty agreed and volunteered to get some fire wood along with Borobob and Tim-Time. As they set off to get the wood, Ourdaywillcome suggested that the group pass the time building the tents by playing a game of eye spy, Che agreed and said “Ill start, eye spy with my little eye something begging with S” “SLIPPERY!” Eddie shouted, “No you * African sunset haired ugly * sack of wine, its snow” grunted Obaf, and he was right, the snow had begun to fall, winter was well and truly on its way…

    Meanwhile Minty, Bob and Tim-Time had gone into the nearby woods to collect wood. While walking, the trees and the wind began to shake and whistle, the air grew thinner and the snow thicker and the leaves rustled. “My balls have shrivelled up into my stomach” Tim complained, “I wish I * killed you when I had the chance you whinging *, all you do is complain, at least you have balls I left Greenman with two half easter eggs and a bunch of flesh eating insects inside them” replied Minty who was far from amused that Tim was still breathing, “He’s a miserable * isn’t he Bob” Tim said, “There’s no cure for being a *” Bob replied. “We should split up and look for wood and meet back here in 20 min” Bob suggested, they all agreed and went off.

    Minty walked up a hill where he saw in the distance a house with a flickering light, “There must be someone who has spare wood in that house” Minty muttered to himself. Minty jogged through the wind and the snow and reached the house, as he made his way to the door he heard leafs rustle behind him, Minty a man of no fear walked opened the door handle and entered the house, it was empty aside from a picture of a balding stern looking fellow who’s name was apparently “Vlad the lad”. Minty went further inside the house looking for supplys and wood when he heard the door slam behind him, Minty drew his sword, “Whos there, come out Tim if that’s you ya * Cunto ill slay you where you stand you four eyed shoe humping *” Minty walked towards the shut door, heart racing, he could feel the cold air enter his lungs, he walked ever closer to the door when the door flew open and a figure from otherside of the door and knocked Minty to floor, before Minty could stand the figure knelt on his chest and sliced his tongue out. Minty laid on the cold hard floor bleeding looking up at a man who he considered a friend, “Where’s ya cunto brother now you * licker, before im done with you, your gonna wish you where greenman” the figure said.

    They sliced behind Minty’s knee caps severing his cruciate ligaments then wandered over and started forcing Minty’s ligament less knee to bend, Minty’s scream was harrowing as blood poured down his throat and he began to choke. The killer then cut open minty’s clothed and pulled his trousers down and proceeded to take a jobby on Minty’s chest before tarmacking him and rubbing the * up and down with his * cheeks. Minty felt light headed and knew he was about to die stinking of *, the killer finally drew his sword and lifted it above Minty’s head, “Valar Moghulis” He then swung his sword down but not behading Minty, nor stabbing in the stomach, he instead cut one of Minty’s ears off, he picked the ear up and began to smell it, “ooooooo I love the smell of ear” the killer said. Minty blacked out and died, earless, smelling of *, and in pain.

    Bob heard the commotion, * saw the house and charged towards it, sword drawn * saw that the door was open, before he reached the steps of the house a spear flew though her right breast, she fell to the floor, the spear blue and made of ice, * looked up and another spear flew though her shoulder and stuck her to the ground. Pinned and vulnerable on the floor Bob thought im a women, surly I will be spared a * mental death, Bob was wrong. She looked up towards a person whom she had seen before, “Why, how, what even are you?” Where the words that went into bobs head, instead she said “Wonder if I did the dishes back at the wall” The figure then pulled out a jug and straw, they rammed the straw up Bobs axe wound and started to suck out Bob’s period, gulp gulp gulp the period was being swallowed by the killer, they then pulled out a glass from the rucksack it was carrying and instead of swallowing, they started to spit it back into the cup. Bob screamed as * knew what was coming, the killer then cut off both of Bobs *. Titless, and periodless, Bob knew her fate, the killer then gauged out both of bobs eyes before adding them to the cup of period and then forced the period down Bobs throat, Bob chocked to death on her period and eyes.

    Shortly after Tim-time, Che, and Dazza arrived at the scene, “What the * happened you transvestite * Tim-time? “MY * CUNTO BROTHER IS DEAD” Che bellowed, as Che stood over Minty’s corpse, he saw a card, he picked it up and it read….

    Minty was a townie AKA Sam Tarly!

    Dazza on the other hand was stood over Bobs cold boobless body, she also had a card put inside her *, Dazza picked the card out and it read……

    Bob was also Town, but not just any townie, she was the Red Priestess Milesandre

    “We should burn the bodies” Tim suggested. “THAT’S A * BELTING IDEA” Che gleefully said, Ill burn Minty’s” Shortly after Tim and Dazza left, Che burnt Minty’s body, once the body was nothing but a black corpse, Che shut the door on the house licked his lips over the body and the rest is history…

    Or is it, was this the night over? Was it *. As everyone made it back to camp, the camp fire was now burning bright and The Ira took the first watch. It had previously occurred to the group that The Ira wasn’t a very talkative fellow, why was this? The Ira had good reason not to talk.

    The previous night in the brothel he had met a women, silver hair, wrinkly skin and * like deflated balloons. The ira wandered over, “Hello love, I’m the IRA, can I get you a drink?” he said softly. “Oh yes my dear that would be lovely, ill have a thatcher’s” As the IRA grabbed the two drinks and sat down next to his new found love, he found her somewhat familiar, “what’s your name if you don’t mind me asking?” He said, “My name? My name is Margaret” she replied, and at that her hands whizzed down The Ira’s trousers and she proceeded to give him a hand job. While this was happening, it suddenly clicked for The Ira, her name was Margaret, and SHE DRINKS THATCHERS? As the realisation of what was happening entered his mind, The Ira drew his sword and sliced the old * throat and left her in a pool of blood. However, Maggy’s failed hand job would cost more than a unsatisfied feeling for The Ira, it turns out Maggy had greyscale, a flesh eating disease that if not cured within 2 days, he would die. The Ira new he could get a cure, or he could go back into camp and take someone down with him.

    Back into the present, The Ira’s * was not stone, his stomach was rotting and his bollocks shrivelled up, he new the end was near, he could still find a cure, but no, The Ira had a different plan. Aidan of house Shea was a fellow newbie to Celtsville, but a more popular and better looking newb, he had fitted in well and was making friends. At this The Ira stood up over Aidan, got his rotting flesh eaten balls out and proceeded to Tea bag Aidan around the mouth and in his face. Aidan who was sleeping felt something tickle his mouth, it smelt terrible, maybe it was a marshmellow, he didn’t open his eyes to find out and as he felt to tickle again he opened his mouth and bite down hard, The Ira screamed in agony as Aidan had just bitten his flesh eaten ball’s off. Aidan and the rest awoke rapidly, Aidan realising in his mouth he had Greyscale bollocks in them he swallowed them whole and chocked to death rather than face the shame of greyscale. The Ira fell on the floor bleeding out from his ball sack, he looked up at the stars and muttered some final words, “I just wish Dr Veng played this game, he would of saved me…” And at that Aidan and The Ira where dead.

    Both had cards in their pocket, Scotia picked out The Ira’s which read…

    The Ira was Town! But not just any townie oh no, he was Ser Jorah Mormont the Kamikaze townie! (He could of chosen to live and not kill anyone...)

    While Idioteque picked out Aidans which read…
    Aidan was a mafia scum bag, but not just any mafia scumbag, he was part of the white walkers mafia scum!

    If youse paid attention to my first story you would of realised that yes, there are two mafias!

    A long night indeed...
    @Tim-Time 1888
    @JC Anton
    @Eddie The Bhoy
    @Mr. Slippyfist

    Sorry @Aidan O'Shea @borobob @Minty and @The IRA youse are all dead, no more talking. I will make a dead thread shortly but in the mean time no talking in the thread or about the game!

    12 remain... Takes 7 to Lynch, Deadline 8pm Tomorrow
    The night is dark and full of terrors...
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
    The IRA likes this.
  19. Saul Goodman Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Scott Brown
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Well that was a fair bit to take in..

    I am pretty confident Anton is Mafia. Read through all of his posts last night during night phase and there are glaring inconsistencies.

    Vote Anton
  20. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    Ha what a night, so as I guessed we've got two factions. I'll need to read through and look at any links between Aidan and the rest of his scum crew.
    Deebo you're wide of the mark mate, but what inconsistencies do you mean?
    You were right about Greenman so you're either Town or part of the other Mafia faction.

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