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Time for a rethink.

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by CharlieMulgrini, Jan 3, 2016.

Discuss Time for a rethink. in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Minimalist

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Its a structural problem we have which requires reformed action from the very top of the Club.

    The objectives set out by the Board are under a confined structural policy which is to recruit young talent for monetary expectations: to sell - which has had no impact on our revenue. We have lost in the long term than actually gain if you measure annually every 12 months from the last 5/6 seasons. This is unequivocal, its not even up for debate. I can provide the figures if any one wants to challenge me on it. So on that end we are not gaining on the financial aspect of growing.

    With this policy we have seen the signing and appointment of lower quality within all aspects of the Footballing Departmen;, the Manager and a good majority of the players. When exercised we have failed to get into Champions League football which is imperative for the development and value of the squad and the economic £20m cash injection for playing at the highest level. We have witnessed the elimination embarrassment from Maribor and Malmo, with a Europa League campaign being recorded as the worst in our history.

    When we sell our best player(s) we have not got replacements in, we put ourself into a 'transitional period' due to the lack of recruitment from the Scouting and Management from the indirect appointment of the Board which at one point we seen the resignation of Neil Lennon as he has stated publicly that the lack of investment from the Board caused him to walk. I can provide the link if any one wants to challenge me on this.

    This is all facts and as a result we are going no where.

    Not only is the direction of our resources being counter-productive and damaging - We are seeing season tickets being treated as a dispensable luxury due to the lack of quality on the park, the lack of ambition, the level of success in Europe from the preceding seasons and the opposition domestically. These are all factors. The reality is we sign players with hardly or if not any reputation which will not bring in commercial revenue, we don't participate in the Champions League so we miss out on great money, we don't have a challenge in the domestic side of the game because our rivals destroyed themselves so as a result attendances will drop which inevitably means we miss out on even more revenue.

    So let me get this straight the Board are not ambitious so we loss out on money in the long term (as stated above), the Board does not attempt to get a veteran footballer in to gain commercial revenue (as stated above) and the Board is so self-destructive on the recruitment process that quality has got so bad we are focusing our transfer targets (according to sources) on SPFL inferiority.

    In all its completely unacceptable and if we don't reform this or see some action the threat of a possible domestic challenge from Sevco will come closer than we think, being under the illusion that some how they wont is giving complacency an acceptance at our Club. I have noticed also throughout the last years within our fanbase that the level of expectations has been 'accepted' and we must submit to the Boards inconsistent efforts. Not only is this present, more and more are 'hoping' we turn things around on the stage that matters - Europe. Imagine having to hope to do well in Europe at a club our size that is completely unacceptable.

    To be honest I don't see anything within the Club because its all superficial from our part (the fanbase); If we lost the League Title from Sevco say in the next 2 season there would be a massive uproar but during that period we knew it was going to happen so a disaster had to commence for it to cause a reaction. Meanwhile in European terms with failing to reach the Champions League many are under the susceptible denial that the continuing of giving Deila another crack at Europe is the alternative to get into Europe while he has failed three times while using the argument that because we win the League title meaning we are the best in Scotland (Which our League is poor) will some how get us into the highest level of football, I think that defeats logic.

    Also, the continuing contradiction from the Club that we cannot sign Barclays Premier League players is staggering, we have signed Janko from Manchester United, Carlton Cole and according to sources we are in for Libor Kozak from Aston Villa. This suggests the reality that we are looking at EPL players that the Club stated we cannot get. Not to forget the loan of Tyler Blackett.

    So in all, the Club are doing the opposite of what they are stating. Selling for profit has done us nothing, recruitment has got worse when the Board keep telling us we have a good Scouting department and we cannot sign EPL players but we have signed EPL players with the exasperation of our Managing Director walking away with a cool £1m per year. If that isn't a mess I don't know what is, if some find it in their moral indignation to apologise or defend the way things are going don't bother you're embarrassing yourself. Imagine being that person that puts his hard earned money in expecting entertainment when we are not getting it while a Managing Director walks away with £1m of our money per year? No thanks, its clear its benefiting a few than the whole Club as a whole.

    Wake up.
  2. terrasidius Sonic Attack Orchestrator

    Aug 14, 2014
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    tl:dr, "RONNY OOT!"
  3. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    You do yourself no favours ignoring peoples grievances and just backing him * nilly.

    Honestly seems like people still backing him all they have is, "it might come good", "he needs time", "I still believe" when every fact is completely contrary to that.

    We are going nowhere, he doesn't trust 90% of the players he bought and he has an unwillingness to change things up when it's going pear shaped, only doing it when things are becoming really bad.

    The crazy thing is, it works when he changes it but as soon as we are back on an even keel he reverts right back to type and is as stubborn as ever.

    He believes in his system but it just isn't working, not in Europe and not in Scotland either. We are getting ripped open by mediocre teams in Europe and look laboured and devoid of ideas in Scotland.
  4. terrasidius Sonic Attack Orchestrator

    Aug 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubo, Lambo, Larsson, Sutton, Nakamura, Rogic, Virgil, Dembele, Kyogo & Hatate
    Fav Celtic Song:
    COYBIG, Grace, Celtic Symphony, Orchestrated Sonic Attack
    I know, it was a joke but, it was a bit flippant. :52:

    For what it's worth, Ronnie doesn't have my absolute backing, there are clearly a lot of things to work on but I still have hope that we can turn it around. Partly cus I'm desperate for it to work as what he says about us playing silky attacking football is the way we should be playing and with us starting to get the best out of our youngsters and actually playing them we should hopefully start seeing that more.
    However if he can't show that he can be tactically and strategically flexible more often I think we should seriously start looking at other options.

    Just saw minimalists post then looked at his username and thought it was ironic. If you didn't laugh you'd cry, etc. :smiley-laughing002:
  5. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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  6. Dirk_Diggler

    May 24, 2008
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    * cracking post i agree with this 100% well done :50:
  7. og1

    Aug 10, 2009
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    In off the red :50:
  8. Auld

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Its all well trying to put some level of blame at Lawell but he doesn't pick the team.

    He gives us a budget that dwarfs that of our Champions League opponents such as Malmo & Molde. Ciftci costs more than the entire Malmo side.

    Also, Lawell was put in there to do a job as chief executive. Which he does fantastically. Look at how the club used to be run in the early 90s. We are professionally run and a business going forward. Ok the product on the park isn't anything to write home about but it will improve in time. Bankier said that at the AGM. I can't remember exactly but we're it was we're run fantastically business wise, on the pitch isn't great but we should be happy at how well a club we are run.

    Much the same as folk defending Deila. Lawell is Desmond's man, who has long since lost any interest in the club and is more concerned with his golf handicap.
  9. og1

    Aug 10, 2009
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    I dunno about that aul fella. The policy is his baby. He is the boss and does not want a manager who is in total charge. He should stick to finance only his tentacles are all over our first team and they have been for quite a while. This creates a problem for us because his vision of the club is the be all and a new manager will have to play ball with him as he is the real boss. He wont hire the likes of Moyes who would do it his own way including signing players for their value on the park not just to make cash for the PLC.
  10. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    What business being run fantastically goes from the last 16 of the CL to the mess we find ourselves in now by hocking off all our playing assets, becoming also rans in the EL, refusing the living wage, saying nothing while our fans get criminalised and employing people who support plunging the poorest in society further into the mire?

    An owner who cared about his business would be gutting us out from top to bottom.
  11. Auld

    Dec 14, 2015
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    Is the policy his baby though? I see us much the same way as other clubs in similar leagues. The best comparison would be Ajax, albeit they have a player development we can only dream off.

    Feeder clubs for EPL club's is what the strategy half of Europe are using now.
  12. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    We aren't a feeder club for the EPL anymore.

    If we continue the way we are going we will be a feeder club for championship clubs in England. At best.
  13. Dirk_Diggler

    May 24, 2008
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    Yip and its his vision that is * us up over the years...... a used to feel kinda good getting £10 million for our best players Now I feel dreadful because the money we recieve does not get pumped back into the team.............

    Some of it does but the players we are scouting 90% turn out mediocre.

    So imo his policy is not working, we just seem to get worse as the years go on and when lenny was in charge we recieved in excess of 50 million pounds with champions league monies and transfer fees recieved during a 2 and a half year period, now during this time we spent next to * all of that cash and lenny had the spine of his team sold.

    instead of building from a a good position, we * up and didnt invest and trust the manager who had a good track record of decent signings, a think the final straw for lenny was sammy getting released and imo he wanted to keep him.

    If that is not a chief executive meddling with team affairs a dont know what is. These mistakes happen up stairs and the best 1 of them all is appointing a gaffer who is not up to the job.....

    Far to big for him to handle and the blame lies at lawell and the board for the state we currently find ourselves in.
  14. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Looking at our team right now, Bitton is the only player who could realistically get a move to the EPL and not look out of place. Mind you, with the way he's been playing this season then that's not so true.

    Brown as well I guess.
  15. ThisIsGhod

    May 3, 2011
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    Very well written post. Completely agree!!
  16. Leone Naka Fan

    Mar 9, 2008
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    Croatia, near the city of Split
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    Nakamura, Moravčik, Petrov, Ki
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Brown is the only one. If the board thought of Ronny as a coaching type of manager that would develop talents which get sold for good money, then they made one fatal mistake in their plan. If the team doesn't actually play well, very few or no clubs will want to buy those players! It's a death spiral of shrinking. Rangers exploded and died, we are on the path to shrinking and dying a sorry death.

    One quirk in this sequence of events is that we have some good players, but for some reasons, they aren't primary candidates for transfers. McGregor, Tierney and Forrest are the product of our academy. I feel they have some loyalty to the club, and in Forrest's case, his injury record may throw off suitors. Brown is the captain of this club, and I'm doubtful he would want to leave. He burns a green flame. And, he's getting a wee bit old for a transfer away. Griffiths- he's been taken in as a risk due to his wacky behavior. And by sticking with him, I think we've profited. If he were a level-headed player, he'd be off by now. So I am happy he's an aggressive, bad-mouthed psycho with 5 kids by the age of 24.:56: He'll stay here, methinks.

    However, to truly prevent the rot, things have to change. Either Deila gets the money to build his team, because this group of players can't function in his fave system. Or he gets axed, and a more reasonable manager is brought in. The most unlikely option, based on his behavior, is that he himself begins to change tactics.
  17. ordinaryman

    Feb 13, 2010
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    Won't happen because if it did, it would mean that Ronny would need to accept that his core belief on how to play the game/set up the Team, as he sees it, wasn't getting the desired results and therefore wrong. However more than that, it would fly in the face of 'The School of Positive Thinking' and 'If you persevere it will come good in the end' in which Ronny is a firm believer.
  18. og1

    Aug 10, 2009
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  19. JML67 Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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  20. Jozo The Provo

    Aug 30, 2013
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