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Peter Lawwell - Is It Time For him To Go?

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Dáibhí, Dec 12, 2013.

Discuss Peter Lawwell - Is It Time For him To Go? in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. pod

    May 19, 2010
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    I'll repeat my question earlier in the thread then. What does he do that someone else couldn't?

    Could he really though? He is on about £16k per week with us before bonuses if I'm not mistaken. So for all those who seem to use his financial prudence as some sort of badge of honour, maybe they want to remember he is on that much money. Money which could be invested in other areas of the club.
  2. DJ CJ

    Jan 25, 2009
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    It's not a simple as desmond just spending millions on players, we are a plc, man city aren't.
  3. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    Why is there a need to belittle anyone who does not share your point of view.
    Must we all dance to the same tune,can we don't think differently about matters within our club.
    Just because i don't agree with you 100% means i have no idea what is going on....???
  4. scootz

    Jun 24, 2011
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    How wonderfully condescending! :50:
  5. Dáibhí

    Oct 31, 2010
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    If you really need to ask that question I'm not sure you fully grasp the scope of what Lawwell has done since he arrived at Celtic Park.

    He get's paid that kind of money because of the job he does for us. Granted, it's not on the park where every fan can see, but obviously the people running the club, who are far more privy to what he does on a day to day basis have no problem seeing him paid that amount.

    If he wasn't getting the results he is, or if anyone could do it, he wouldn't be here.
  6. pod

    May 19, 2010
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    I do. He has downsized the club to a degree which has seen attendances and player quality drop dramatically. Whilst making false promises and mistakes that he has publically admitted to getting wrong.

    Still, I'll ask again as you clearly didn't the vain of the question. What has he done that someone else couldn't. I'll bold the bit that I was looking for the answer to. Or do you think he is the only CEO in the world who could have cut costs?
  7. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    Ok,do you think putting someone else in charge will change the law that is the crux of the problem.
  8. Dáibhí

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Again, if you believe the job he's done is something that "anyone could do" then I don't think you completely understand the job he's done for us. In fact, the first part of your post suggests exactly that.

    If someone was available who could do the exact same job for less money then why would the likes of Arsenal and Manchester City be sniffing around him, looking to offer him more money than we pay him?

    Much of his work goes unnoticed by the fans, like you & me, so to assume that anyone could do the job he does is ridiculous.

    Also, when it comes to banners at games and actual laws brought in by the Scottish Government there isn't a * CEO on the planet who could change that!
  9. TimMalloyBhoy

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Glasgow (East End)
    Do I have evidence? No.

    I speak to wide array of Celtic fans I go to games, pub with friends with, work with, from the Glasgow area, other parts of Scotland, even the most optimistic ones who I often disagree with I am sure you can imagine have had enough. Can only presume it's huns voting NO, sure they would love him to stay.

    Not heard one fan say they want him to stay yet apart from on here, some I speak to even agree with him banning the GB but they certainly do not agree with the money he reinvests into the club.

    What the * is the point in having financial success and an under performing club?

    I would rather we were in major debt like most clubs are, in an effort to replace arguably our two best players instead we get guys in who couldn't even lace their boots because the board refused the funds. Read what Commons said, the wee guy knew all a long we didn't spend enough in the window, like many others, but even the most naive Celtic fans have began realising this, course you still get the usual lunatics on here saying Pukki will come good! Discussing financial success, let them * worry about that, or not worry for the fact unlike others we are in the black while most clubs are in major debt, and and you worry about the shambles on the field we have at the moment.

    Lawwell will spend the bare minimum he feels he has to, always has, he probably thought he got lucky getting to the group stages this year, but I'm just glad the majority can see right through all that now and we might see the back of him sometime soon. Hope he's proud of his bank book when he walks out to thousands of Celtic fans booing him when we lift the trophy, he still will be proud though cause he couldn't give a * about Celtic. And that's the type of man most of you on here want at Celtic! A businessman for his money, not the club and fans.
  10. Tim-Time 1888 Always look on the bright side of Life Gold Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Usually the best way to convince someone to change their mind is to explain things as you see them, rather than make on ,people who view things differently from you, are somehow ill-informed and "don't have a clue".
    Just a thought from someone who wants Pete to stay but at the same time wants common sense to prevail.
  11. pod

    May 19, 2010
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    What? Changing the law would make no difference to his total reluctance to spend decent money or for once speculating to accumulate. In fact we didn't even need to speculate in the summer as we made a lot of money.

    When I said anyone could do it I was giving you the credit of realising I was meaning professional people. Not some Joe off the street who is working as a waiter or the like.

    It doesn't change the fact that cutting costs to balance the books is not that difficult a task. You even say that "much of his work goes unnoticed" then say its ridiculous to say anyone could do it. How do you know if its unnoticed? You're making sweeping generalisations which you cant substantiate.

    Someone used an analogy earlier in the thread. We have a Ferrari mechanic trying to fix a Skoda. As we're a club thats all for cost cutting then I have a good idea.
  12. scootz

    Jun 24, 2011
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    But we're not "in the black". We're very much in the red as we carry sizeable debts!

    We have a high wage bill and make very little money out of domestic competition. Because of this Celtic has to do reasonably well in Europe over a prolonged period to keep it's head above water. PL is certainly not stupid and knows this. But he has to balance things! He can't be cavalier about it or he will rook the club very quickly!

    So a couple of attacking signings haven't worked out so far. Big deal! * happens (it's happened before and will happen again)... we'll move on.

    Some seem to be forgetting that our defence has needed repairing for nearly 7 seasons now and we appear to have signed a very good defender in the last window.

    Swings... roundabouts...
  13. LB

    Mar 16, 2006
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    wherever will take me
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    Keep him where he is , doing a great job results are all there to see :50:
  14. Tomas

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Ok let's get rid of PL and replace him with, oh that's right no idea. ffs some on here whilst entitled to an opinion, really haven't a clue what it is they are talking about.
  15. Clint Eastwood The Good Bad and Ugly of TC

    Dec 17, 2011
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    San Miguel
    I'm not sure if it's time for him to go, it's certainly time for him to stop being a * to fans of this football.
  16. TimMalloyBhoy

    Feb 14, 2010
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    Glasgow (East End)

    Funny you should say that, Lawwell just said this back in February there, “We are not complacent because there are constant challenges in Scottish football. But we have a good foundation here to take the club forward for a number of years. Our debt has virtually gone. The fact we virtually have no debt in today’s world is a great asset and advantage''

    Swings and roundabouts?:smiley-laughing002:I hope you are joking. The team we have now is half the team, probably less than half the team we where last year. Are you saying he couldn't have maybe signed a 6M+ striker instead of a 3M one? With the 40M income from transfers and Europe they took in last year? Maybe spend a little more, no? Swings and roundabouts:smiley-laughing002: Sizeable debts:smiley-laughing002: The board love fans like you, thankfully you are a dying breed.
  17. LB

    Mar 16, 2006
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    wherever will take me
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    Current - Hooper ,All Time -"Jinky"
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The Celtic song
    never done me or thousands of others any harm at all ..he gets results where it matters on the Park :50:
  18. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    That is not the reason why there is now a full on witch hunt for the guys head,we have been playing it safe spending wise since maybe Wgs took over.
    But now this year he is Mr evil and that is down to his actions against the GB.
    What makes you think a new CEO will do any different,or more to the point what makes you think DD will tell the new CEO to allow the GB or any other fans to break the law.
    As for the skoda remark you want to get rid of someone who is to good for us and replace him with someone of lesser quality...?
    I for one thought we was a ferrari rather than a skoda.
  19. murphy88

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I'm sure the fans that weren't in attendance at Fir Park or caused any bother, but have been forced out their section feel exactly the same :rolleyes:
  20. KRS-1888 Scott La Rock

    Sep 11, 2010
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    'First they came for the Green Brigade...'

    The watering down of the Celtic support doesn't end with the dissolution of section 111.

    Bigger picture.