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The Weightloss/ Getting Fit Thread!

Discussion in 'TalkCeltic Pub' started by Joe T, Dec 29, 2011.

Discuss The Weightloss/ Getting Fit Thread! in the TalkCeltic Pub area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. greengrocer

    Nov 28, 2009
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    In grocer shop
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Mjallby, Larsson, Lambert
    Done my first session in almost a year....took it easy too.

    Two days later I have totally Cunted my chest. Literally too sore to even put a jacket on. Never had pain like this before.
  2. Andybhoy

    Nov 27, 2005
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    Co.tyrone IRELAND
    Fav Celtic Player:
    king henrik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    ice cream and jelly
    Ive looked at adjustable dumbells, have you got them?

    I have seen in the reviews that they are very breakable
  3. TimFloyd Gold Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I've not got them but I have used them, what ones had bad reviews?

    A few different Companies make them and you get * vinyl ones as well.

    The ones you I used felt sturdy enough.
  4. jj81

    Feb 22, 2011
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  5. callumrae1967

    May 9, 2010
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    That'll teach you to stretch and cool down:86:
  6. cidermaster Gold Member Gold Member

    May 19, 2014
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    North Wales
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    Henrik Larsson
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    That Depeche Mode when we score!!
    Cut down on the pies and get running up that * hill you fat *!
  7. belbhoy

    Feb 1, 2010
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    willie maley...the shebeen version
    Hi guys when using dumbells what sort of weight should you be using? i take it probably 3-4 sets of 12 reps on each arm at 10kg? I have been doing some gym work at home 630am-7am and same at night after work,doing some cardio on bike and reps of lifting weights 20kg have just started last 3 weeks and seeing some results but am not sure what i should be lifting etc
  8. Andybhoy

    Nov 27, 2005
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    Co.tyrone IRELAND
    Fav Celtic Player:
    king henrik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    ice cream and jelly
    Dependant on you strength I suppose, if your happy with the sets and reps your doing, just make sure you are challenging yourself with the amount of weight you are pressing etc
  9. MartinR

    Feb 5, 2010
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    for 280 you could get a gym membership and a block with a GOOD personal trainer, who will teach you about nutrition.

    home weights are good for a month 2 max, before you get bored. unless you have your own home gym, id stay clear
  10. Andybhoy

    Nov 27, 2005
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    Co.tyrone IRELAND
    Fav Celtic Player:
    king henrik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    ice cream and jelly
    Yeah I understand the point about a gym membership, my reasoning wold be is that I have a decent home gym and weights dont really seem to lose price if I were ever to sell them on
  11. faw cough Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 30, 2008
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    Started putting weight back on thankfully.

    Had lost too much and didnt feel good.
  12. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Daizen Maeda, Yang
    Anyone tried the 5:2 diet? I just got into it after watching this documentary which really made me think! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01lxyzc

    To get into it I joined a free site http://thefastdiet.co.uk//. It has a calculator to tell you how much you should eat for your weight, height etc and it operates on the principle of having two fasting days when you only eat 500 cals (600 for men) twice a week. It actually allows me more cals on non fasting days than I would eat and certainly more than most weight loss sites. You really need to watch the documentary to see how it works as it wasn't really in the way that I thought.

    I started on the 18th May when I was 10st 3Ibs and I have lost the 3Ibs already although I've made my weigh in day a Monday so I will know for sure tomorrow. This is only the end of my second week and I have had 4 fast days over the fortnight. I think I would have lost more but we went away to Millport for a few days Mon to Thursday and there's not much to do there but eat :52: I did stick to two days of adhering to the diet ...one before and after I returned. I only have 500 cals on a Mon and a Wed and I'm allowed 1600 and odds for the remaining 5 days. You can do these two fasting days on any days you choose as long as you stick to 2 on and 5 off and of course the amount of cals you're allowed on non fasting days.

    I want to get back down to 9st so I have a whole stone to go. I'm only 5ft 3" and I'm fed up not being able to wear the things I like. I think it's more important than that though as the documentary highlighted the positive effects of fasting on the brain and how it improved mental acuity and may prevent Alzheimers in later life..... It certainly was the most interesting thing I've come across in a while.

    I will keep the thread up to date on how it goes for the next month. Bear in mind I've been trying to lose this extra stone for years and I live a more sendentary life style being stuck at home caring for mum so if this works for me it can work for anyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2015
  13. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Intermittent Fasting - which the 5:2 "diet" is, I find great.

    If you say....eat between the hours of 12pm, till 8-10 pm, then you have a right good fasting period where most of it is done whilst you sleep.

    I prefer doing that over a 6-7 day period over the week, as opposed to having 2 days a week where you need to fast throughout the day, but i'd say that'd be your best bet Jeannie, especially if you cannie really find the time to be out and active, as per your caring commitment.
  14. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Daizen Maeda, Yang
    I get where you're coming from and that seems like you have made it a way of life which is good. I'm finding it challenging because I'm a comfort eater and I have to work my way out of that first.

    I don't eat after 5pm on my non fast days now as I find that rolling onto a fast day if I don't eat until around 12pm that day I've given my self 19hrs to make a difference. The only thing I find hard is doing without a morning cuppa on fast days otherwise I don't mind not eating until lunchtime as I'm too busy with mum most days. I'm still playing around with it to see how it works best for me but I will stick to Mondays and Wednesdays.
  15. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Aye, do what feels best for YOU jeannie :50:

    The only problem I personally think with a 5:2 type way of eating is that - as you've said yer a comfort eater - say you stick to mondays and wednesdays, and basically eat what ye want the other days, if you cheat on your "diet" days, it'll make ye feel like * cause you'll have feel like you failed or whatever, then you need to start again etc etc.

    Imo the best way is to gave ONE single "cheat" day per week, then that way you're getting used to an almost full week of eating clean (yet still eating well) for a good 8 hours per day, then the rest is fasting (and like I say, the beauty of itis that mostof yer fasting is done during "sleeping hours".

    Hope you find a way that works best for ye :50:
  16. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Daizen Maeda, Yang
    I hope so too :celt_2: I will add though the plan as set out states you shouldn't really count calories on your non fasting days and that it's ok to eat what you like .......trouble is I might take that too literally :smiley-laughing002:
  17. TimFloyd Gold Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I've been doing intermittent fasting for the past 3/4 weeks now and find it's great, I hit a bit of a weight loss plateau until I started IF and it has worked a treat.

    I generally eat from around 1/12-6/7 just depending on how my day goes but I do find this way of eating fits around my schedule brilliantly with eating 2 meals a day, I also try and keep to IF 7 days a week.

    I couple it with my keto CKD diet so low carb, high fat, moderate protein.
  18. TimFloyd Gold Member

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I know what you mean Jeannie, when I eat carbs/sugar my brain doesn't have an off switch and I just eat and eat.

    Carbs are my kryptonite. :smiley-laughing002:
  19. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    I've been doing it (admitedlly on and off) for over a year, same here mate goy a weird work schedule (currently on 24 hour shifts) and find it a godsend.

    Had a bit of craving for bread yhe last cupla weeks so feel a bit bloated, but usually my weight is at a decent level (could be better mind you) but still decent. When i'm on full blown IF and paleo eating, feel amazing and weight drops down like a *'s knickers :icon_mrgreen:
  20. Jeannie Gold Member Gold Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Daizen Maeda, Yang
    I found this out because I used to take a cereal bar for b/fast and after eating that it was like turning a switch on and I couldn't stop eating sweet stuff all day :rolleyes: Now I don't have that I don't crave and wait until lunchtime to eat. I like the idea of eating from 12pm until 8pm every day as that really does make sense as your fasting 2/3 of the day with most of it sleeping. I'm kind of thinking that might not be a bad idea as you could live your life like that. I think 5:2 is basically a combination of tricking your body to do with less calories and being able to utilise the ones you do take in more effectively.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2015