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Anthony Stokes

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Glen1888, Jan 26, 2011.

Discuss Anthony Stokes in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

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  1. die_hard_bhoy

    Jul 20, 2007
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    well not that the true stat is much better but Sammy has 6 goals this season, not 3.
  2. escociabhoy

    Apr 27, 2010
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    miami florida
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    imo stokes before sammy any day of the week as proven scorer also he should be partnered by hooper where possible as both compliment each other
  3. marccoyne

    Aug 31, 2007
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    i know he has 6 but, i said 2 league goals and 3 in 3 months, his other 4 were a hattrick against ICT in the cup and 1 in europe against twente
  4. lennycolgen

    Jun 11, 2010
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    No conparison. Stokes is our top scorer and has most assist's
  5. lennycolgen

    Jun 11, 2010
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    It does not take a knowledgable person to see that sammy has only played well in 2 or 3 games this season. Sammy does get the ball to feet and hold it up, which more often than not leads to him tryin a mazy run with the ball with blinkers on that results in him giving the ball away.

    Fact's are fact's. Sammy will be lucky to score 10 goals a season.

    Stokes and Hooper are the best partnership in the SPL in terms of goal scoring. Which i do belive the more goals you score the more games u win.
  6. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    You are absolutely right mate. :50:

    You're wasting you're breath though because there's too many Samaras sycophants on here who are willing to overlook how * he is because he scored a couple of goals at Ibrox. :rolleyes:
  7. Kirkenwald

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Sammy bashers will never let facts get in the way of their unfounded and unfair scapegoating.

    Sammy is our best striker and most talented player proved not only by the stunning goals he's scored throughout his career, but also by the fact that Strachan, Lennon and his internationalist manager always plays him in key roles, in key games, against quality opposition. Sammy bashers on forums can whine and moan all they want about Sammy but the real football people (like the managers above) have a totally different view on Sammybhoy.
  8. Ruxin

    Dec 3, 2008
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    You have to be joking!!! Sammy isn't even our best striker let alone best player. Granted he does have ability and at times can be a really good effective threat, however he just doesn't do it often enough for my liking.
  9. The Legend Of Lubo

    Feb 1, 2010
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    What the * are you smoking!? I want some.
    But seriously you don't have a clue mate. :56:
  10. Hez

    Aug 25, 2010
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    No way and no way. He's not our best striker and he's nowhere near being our most talented player either. Before the 2nd January, he hadn't scored in months, he scored two that day and again, since then, hasn't looked like scoring since.
  11. Wilkie1888

    Feb 9, 2010
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    Sammys pish 2 goals in 380397897497494784084-084-94 games isnt enough .

    Talented yeah drama queen.
  12. Kirkenwald

    Mar 22, 2011
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    He "does it" often enough for his £2million price tag. If he was doing it more often then he would be playing for Barcelona and worth much more than £2m.
    Sammy-bashers need to get a grip:
    Sammybhoy is showing us EXACTLY what he needs to be showing us according to his £2million price tag.

    Sammy-bashers' "demands" for Sammy to be "more consistent" are unrealistic and will never be realised. If Sammy was "more consistent" and able to score the fantastic goals he's capable of on a more consistent basis, then he would be worth MUCH MORE than the £2m he's currently worth. why can't you just be happy with the player he is and content in the fact that he is playing according to his £2m value?

    Lennon is happy with him, the Celtic board are happy with him, (offering him a renewed contract, Lazio, Bologna, Juventus, were all at one time happy to offer Sammy a contract, Sevilla, Real Santander, Real Valladolid were all happy to offer Sammy a contract, his previous internationalist manager otto Rehaggel is happy with him, Rehaggel who has 900 Bundesliga games under his belt along with two Chmapionships, two League Cups and one European Champions Cup was happy with him, his current internationalist manager is happy with him (starting him up front against ARGENTINA in the World Cup FINALS and all important qualification games) i ask you: why can't OUR FANS be happy with him?
    Even when he has a blindingly stupendous game and scores brilliant goals and plays wonderfully, the best most fans can muster is: "he should be doing this more consistently". The words "ungrateful" and "deluded" immediately spring to mind when reading posts from Sammy-bashers.

    I really can't understand why some fans are making unrealistic demands out of a £2m player? You don't make similar demands of much more expensive and much more disappointing Celtic players. It just doesn't make sense.

    The Sammy-bashers hatred is not based on any logic, it seems to be based on Sammy's physical appearance, and the fact that he can pull any bird in Scotland (with enough * appeal to pull even the staunchest Hun-supporting bird). This seems to be the problem with most Sammy-bashers: jealousy of Sammy's good looks and his £30K a week pay packet. Nothing else could explain this Sammy-bashers hate-filled vitriol and totally unrealistic demands of "consistency" which they don't apply to every other player.
    If you demand consistency, then please apply this same stupid and unrealistic logic to players like Commons who blows hot and cold from one match to the next, Ki who couldn't play a square pass to save his life lately, Hoops who couldn't hit a barn door with a banjo the other day (but is immediately excused as being "unfit"), Stokes who was warming the bench for his previous League Division One sides and is destined to do the same for us with him and his Dar's * poor attitude to the "team ethic", Wilson who was skinned all day by the Huns, Mulgrew who simply went missing and is usually * (prompting threads in this forum asking "were we wrong about Mulgrew?" whenever he has a rare good game), why don't you question these player's * consistency? Why don't you apply the same twisted logic and unrealistic demands towards these players as you do for Sammybhoy? Why the double standards?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2011
  13. marccoyne

    Aug 31, 2007
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    seriously mate im starting to wonder about your mental health because all of that is * :56::56:

    Sammys good looks :97::56::56::56: are you sammy in disguise :fear:

    by your logic if sammys a £2m player then stokes commons hooper wilson ki and mugrew should all be £30m+ :56: all have shown far more consistency than him

    but i suppose im just 'ungrateful' and 'deluded' wanting my strikers to actually score or do anything in general, how selfish of me :54:
  14. Kirkenwald

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's nice to know you're getting into stand up comedy but this forum is not the place to practice your jokes. :50:

    Yes, i'm afraid you are selfish and ungrateful, look at the quality of the man you're constantly criticising:

    YouTube - samaras saves joes penalty
    (his abilities know no bounds :icon_mrgreen:)

    YouTube - Georgios Samaras/best goals

    When our other strikers have a show reel like that then we'll talk..for now, carry on telling your jokes..:bbpd:
  15. KRS-1888 Scott La Rock

    Sep 11, 2010
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    A strikers job is to score goals.Samaras is incapable of carrying out his job that he gets paid for,he proves it time and time again.He just isn't good enough,and never will be.I don't like saying bad things about any of our players but I'm very unhappy he'll be here for another few years.
  16. Kirkenwald

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Your blind hate of Sammy is making you blind kennybhoy, here's some more GOALS you claim Sammy isn't scoring...

    YouTube - Georgios Samaras//Feed The Greek And He'll Score''...Stuart Pearce...''

    Open your eyes to the truth...Sammy is a quality player for his £2m price tag. Stokesy and Hoops should be thanking their lucky stars that they're playing in the same side as him, they've got an awful lot to learn...
  17. 10/4 Kemosabe Gold Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Samaras is seriously poor. As a striker and as a team player. His goals this season have been few and far between. Up till Xmas he hadnt kicked a ball and even Murphy was getting a game ahead of him. The Jan game against the Huns he was selected due to an injury to Hooper and a tactical switch from Lennon. Based on that one good performance he has been given an extended run in the side and a 3 year contract!!

    Beggars belief actually. Last sunday, Samaras came home to roost. He showed us the Sammy we all know. Unable to link up, never looked like scoring and wouldnt have looked out of place on the stage such was the extent of his dramatics.

    I also feel that he has contributed to Hoopers drop in form as Sammy doesnt even look as though he knows Hooper is on the pitch.

    For any Sammy lovers who care to argue about Hooper, Izzy, Commons etc, remember this. The other players in the team have been here a matter of months and have contributed to the side going from also rans last season to challenging on all domestic fronts in a short period of time, and as such, can be given a little leeway in regards to a dip in form, Sammy has been here 3 seasons and has done little of note and has shown that he cant string 2 consistent games together.

    Poor last week and generally done little in his time here, cant believe we have him for another 3 seasons.
  18. Kirkenwald

    Mar 22, 2011
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    We are very lucky to have Sammybhoy...when he was offered a derisory one year contract in January, he said he'd like a longer one similar to the one he'd get from clubs in Italy and Spain who were interested to take him.
    The Celtic board couldn't have been quicker to offer him a three year deal after realising that their most talented player could leave for La Liga or Serie A. Neil lennon, The Celtic Board, the Celtic Shareholders, Tony Mowbray, Fernando Santos, Otto rehaggel all know Sammy is a wonderful player and value his abilities...but let's all disregard these professional people's opinions and listen to a bunch of selfish ingrates on an internet forum who can't stop calling the a quality football player a *, a poof and pish poor player :50:
  19. Gabriel Beidh an lá linn Gold Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    ar mhuin na muice
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    :38:Is this not a Stokes thread ? If you want to gush about how * like Samaras is go to he Samaras thread.
  20. Kirkenwald

    Mar 22, 2011
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    The fact that he was considered our BEST PLAYER last Sunday by newspapers and football people in the press and media seems to have completely escaped your notice.

    Delusional and blind. Those are the best two words to describe Sammy-bashers and their never-ending scapegoating...
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