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A question to those who are "paranoid", whatever that means.

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by NBAJamShoez, Oct 29, 2010.

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  1. OverandOver

    Jun 1, 2010
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    NBAJamShoez, i'm with you all the way mate...just because you don't believe in bias against Celtic doesn't make you a hun. Yes, some decisions are strange and difficult to take, * maybe even some of the referees don't like celtic or support rangers but I don't really know the answer to that. Of course they should be completely objective and fair but perhaps not all of them are. What I will say is the idea that there is corruption right at the heart of the sfa that seeks to stop Celtic from being succesful is not a reasonable idea in my opinion. That would mean that you have to be against Celtic before the SFA will employ you as a referee? We have also had poor decisions in our favour let's not forget.
  2. boruclegend

    Sep 1, 2008
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    its blatently obvious how corrupt the hun sfa are, not just the last couple of seasons but for years and years as people already gave examples for and sick * of people saying we are paranoid.
    Not only is it effecting Celtic but decisions have effected other teams, as already stated levin dundee utd v the huns and correct me if im wrong aberdeen v the huns and that * lafferty faking that he got headbutted just to name a few.
    so it just goes to show how * ruthless them * are to do everything in there power to put celtic down and give rangers the results they need
    look at the hooper penalty v dundee utd is that very dodgy looking aswell so dont call me paranoid
  3. Twisty . Gold Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    without sounding offensive,as long as theres people like you and nbajamshoes willing to accept this blatant cheating and defend the sfa, then it will continue to happen year after year after year
  4. pod

    May 19, 2010
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    You're either on the wind up or astoundingly ignorant. Tell you what, go out and sing songs in condemnation of other ethnic minorities and see how you get on.
  5. StainseyBhoy

    May 25, 2008
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    Do i think the SFA are being deliberately bias against celtic. No
    Do i think the SFA want to Distory Celtic Fc. No
    Do i think the SFA are annoyed at the amount of complaints from Celtic FC. Yes
    Do i think it would be possible for a Football assocation to be biased towards a club. Yes
    Do i think their is slight favouritism within the SFA. Yes.
    Are Celtic getting a bad run of decisions over the last couple of years. Yes
    Have Celtic been cheated out of more oldfirm games than Rangers recently. Yes
    Is this because of an SFA bias towards rangers, or Poor Refereing. Poor Refereing.

    I don't think their is an plot inside the SFA to distory Celtic, or a huge bias towards Rangers, it would be possible, however i cannot see any just cause.

    However we have the right to question decisions and we should continue to do this, and in the offchance there is a corruption plot we should be exploring this possibility, so i'm glad Lennon is bringing it up, but lets not make lots of acusations.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2010
  6. AD1967

    Mar 21, 2009
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    id say the SFA are bias. rangers have had the major decisions go their way for years. majid boughera got away with murder last season against us, lee mcculloch this. two weeks ago we have a penalty turned down after it was given, last week rangers are given one against us for a dice that the ref couldnt even see as he was facing the wrong way. they are the obvious ones i can remember off the top of my head but there have been so much more over the years.

    forget "against the famine and the crown" it should be "the famine, the crown and the sfa".

    just because you think that people are against you doesnt make you paranoid, or wrong.
  7. Aldobaldo

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Deep in the West of Scotland
    For me there is a bias in the SFA, whether it be refs to those who they employ in other positions.

    Recently I applied for a postion within the coaching area of the organisation, I got to the interview stage and was quite suprised at this. During my wait for the interview, I spoke with one of the interviewers (off-record). His question was how I knew one of my references, the individual in question is a direct relation to a prominent member within the SFA and a scottish league club.

    This lead me to think about my position, was I there on my ability to do the job or due to my reference. No doubt in my mind that having this name on my CV made it possible to reach such a stage.

    The SFA has been and still continues to be jobs for the boys, not what you can bring but who you know. Its not difficult to notice either, most guys in the positions are part or associated to the top people in this organisation.

    Take Gordon Smith for example he is part of this group and low an behold he becomes Chief Executive. These guys are all in a cosy little clique, looking out for one another no problem for them if they lose there job. They just end up back on the radio or in a role within the SFA.

    Until we move away from this sort of attitude Scottish Football will continue to stall, we had this problem for my years on this planet and no sign of it changing.
  8. OverandOver

    Jun 1, 2010
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    well, thankfully from your point of view we seem to be in the minority:56: From my point of view, it will take more than what i've witnessed to convince me of what I consider to be an absurd idea. If, indeed, it is as you believe then I hope we continue to be in the minority! but neither you or I really know the truth. Personally, I think there are plenty of bad referees, there are some dishonest referees and there are plenty of honest, decent referees just like any other part of the world.
  9. Twisty . Gold Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    no doubt there are honest ones but the sfa,rangers and the media know how to play this game.as we seen from the snide remarks about collums job in the days before sundays game.and its fairly easy for the sfa to select there referees and linesmen that they know will help the huns along the way.they've had years of practice.

    stein knew it,when fergus mccann was here he knew it.mcneill knows it and now lennon knows it.and i would say 70-80% of our fans know it aswel.they will always get the preferential treatment.always have and always will,unless theres a major investigation done into it
  10. greengrocer

    Nov 28, 2009
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    I did say yes, but we do get our share of decisions against the so called lesser teams of the SPL. If any teams should be truely aggrieved, I think all the teams outwith the OF should be kicking up *. We obviously do get strange decisions agaisnt us, and most of the time it is clear as day and blatant robbing of fairness. But at the end of the day there is not much we can do. The SFA will always be there and they will never come out and say " We love Rangers more than you".
  11. alsybhoy

    Apr 6, 2008
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    in the hoose!!!!
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    let the people sing,ynwa,sean south,on the one road
  12. BrianQuinn

    Dec 22, 2008
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    Thats good to hear.
  13. boruclegend

    Sep 1, 2008
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  14. shughie

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Paranoia is an acute sense of awareness!
  15. willsad83

    Aug 7, 2010
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    * sake its so blatently obvious theres bias against celtic its unreal wether its because of irish catholic sectarenism or wanting to do there upmost to keep rangers afloat i do not know but you just have to look at the incedents throughout the years to see this.It seems some of our own fans are starting to believe all the * the media and the sfa are trying to feed us
  16. arbroathemerald

    Jan 2, 2009
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    I would hate to think of the SFA as Bias, Our game would collapse if any such concrete proof came out via a * off official or another source.
    I would say that I have a strong belief that alot of referees are bias towards Rangers through preference and free lodge drinks / pats on the back, there are far too many incidents over the last few years to defend them, but, I find it hard to comprehend that it is via some unspoken instruction from the powers to be, At least that is what I am hoping, If it is from the top brass, our game will be on it's * in no time as these things always come out, at that point kiss goodbye to sponsorship, TV rights etc.
  17. Degen

    Feb 10, 2010
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    It's blatant. I can't believe that there are people unwilling to accept that the establishment does not want a team like Celtic (a team known for its links to Ireland and associated with the representation of poor, Catholic communities in Scotland) winning the Scottish league.
  18. CfC jack CfC

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Kelty for now
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    To the nine who voted no, open your eyes ffs.

    Celtic are the victim of an inherrent bias throughout the country because of our proud Irish and Catholic roots.

    After the past year and a bit I am amazed that some Celtic fans out there are still chomping at the bit to peddle out the tired cliche of "Paranoia". And that's without mentioning Jim Farry, the 50 years of decisions against us in derby games (Billy McNeill's words not mine), the Irish Tricolour incident, the "Catholics need not apply" job advertisements at the SFA in "the bygone days of yore" (a term that is apt when describing the hunFA) and the pitiful amount of caps given to the Lisbon Lions.

    * the SFA and all their apologists.
  19. alsybhoy

    Apr 6, 2008
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    in the hoose!!!!
    Fav Celtic Player:
    boruc, larrson,lubo,jinky,
    Fav Celtic Song:
    let the people sing,ynwa,sean south,on the one road
    here * here:50:
  20. Twisty . Gold Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    good post amigo :50:
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