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Andy Walker on Celtic

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by hailhailtal, Nov 21, 2006.

Discuss Andy Walker on Celtic in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. seanolamisio

    Feb 3, 2010
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    i think walker,like many of us, is just a frustrated supporter who cant believe we had rangers by the balls 2 years ago and let them off the hook.remember in andys day it was inconceivable that one day celtic would have more money than rangers-christ it was a * pipe dream!now hes witnessed the incompetent complancency of a rich board allow our rivals to win 2 titles that should have been ours-and the champs league money etc that comes with it-when in his day david murray pulled out all stops to * us over-you cant blame the guy for bein * off-i know i am!
  2. Padraig1916

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Andy Walker is doing his job......he is a Football Pundit and therefore he has to makes observations on Football and as an ex-Celtic player, on our club in particular. He was a good servant to the club when he played. He always gave 100% and is a Celtic fan too, like us. What the * did he say to get the abuse he has be subjected to on here? Lenny said he would sign "British based" players and we have signed up just as many foreign players - True. We were * against Braga - True. Brown has not lived up to expectation or valuation - True. So why the * is Andy gettin a hard time. He was spot on whether we like it or not and Lenny should have ignored him and got on with managing Celtic.
  3. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Andy Walker= *!
  4. FairtexChamp

    Feb 19, 2010
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    andy * just doin his job but * it al hate him for it
  5. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    yeah lets all hate for saying what?? the truth ?? what is it you disagree with him about ??
  6. Dempsey

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Tiobraid Arann, Eire
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    But its not the truth, its a version of it and you cannot dispute Lennons counter argument so who is telling the truth??
  7. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    tell me what walker said then that wasnt the truth??
  8. Dempsey

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Tiobraid Arann, Eire
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    Fields of Athenry
    So Lennon is a liar? Is that what you are trying to say?

    As Lennon said himself
    Lennon was able to back up what he said with cold hard facts. I dont see Walker coming out to discredit these facts because he cant
  9. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    lennon said he wanted a british spine ! he hasnt got a british spine to his team.
    lennon said he doesnt do stats but then say we had 65% pos and 37 crosses, what about the fact we didnt have a shot on target in the whole 1st half. at ht in the game they were through so yes we did go out with a whimper. so where is his cold hard facts?? and still you havnt said what walker said that wasnt true??
  10. Dempsey

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Tiobraid Arann, Eire
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    Boruc & McGeady
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    Fields of Athenry

    He wanted it and he didnt get it for reasons that are well explained in the media.

    Bullard wanted £75k a week
    James preferred to stay in South England
    Campbell didnt want to play in SPL

    Walker ignored all this so he could have his 'rant'.

    Was Lennon suppose to sign british players regardless of quality or value for money just so he could have his "british spine". If he wanted that, then he would have been sacked in a record time and its quite laughable for any Celtic fan or ex player to expect that to happen. It doesnt bother me what nationality the players are, only if they are good enough and that celtic got a good deal.

    Winning 2-1 at home, dominating possession etc against a good European side is the definition of a whimper to you? He's been sensationalist and you are taking it hook line and sinker!
  11. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    why say he is wanting a british spine then if he didnt? so was it only 3 players that he wanted ? why say a british spine then?? it doesnt bother anyone what nationality they are. walker was just stating a fact. he said he wanted a british spine and he didnt ! simple!
    winning 2 -1 at home against a good european team? you think they are a good european team? dominating possesion and having 37 crosses ! does that mean we played really well then? they were 1 up at half time and qualified for the next round . we might as well have not played the 2nd half as were out at half time and we hadnt even mustered a shot on target ! so yes we did go out with a whimper because at no stage did we ever have them on the back foot and look like we were gonna go through in the tie ! make all the excuses for lennon you like but you still havnt said to me what andy walker said that was wrong????
  12. Dempsey

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Tiobraid Arann, Eire
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Boruc & McGeady
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry
    Ok, you go on believing the likes of Andy Walker and take their version of the truth as gospel.

    What Andy Walker said wasnt the whole truth, it had truth but it ignored other facts that can easily discredit his opinion. As Lennon said, he was economical with the truth and if you cannot see that then thats your problem.

    I'm not making excuses for Lennon but I'm not going to accept sensationalist tripe from a ex celt wannabe gutter journalist. There seems to be a market for that type in Scotland which what I find the most alarming.
  13. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    once again you still havnt stated what he said was so wrong. this wasnt a planned interview or a column. this was just him giving an opinion when asked by a reporter at a sponsors event in georges square. i agree with everything he said. i think he was spot on. just seems that if you say something against lennon your gonna get pelters. hes a celtic fan giving his opinion and for me he was spot on. why lennon feels the need to answer it is staggering !!
  14. Dempsey

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Tiobraid Arann, Eire
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Boruc & McGeady
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    Fields of Athenry
    See, you've changed your question from


    and trying to pass it off as the same thing.

    You are unwilling to accept that Walker ignored facts to fit his opinion and that ends this discussion for me.
  15. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    tell me then?? iv asked u the same question umpteen times and you still havnt answered. what did walker say that wasnt the truth ??
  16. evilp3te

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Walker was very selective with the points he put forward. Lennon tried to sign a full british spine in James, Campbell, Bullard and has brought in Murphy, Ledley, Hooper and Mulgrew(Wish he hadnt). So therefore that point was bullshit because he simply chose to mention Juarez, Kayal, and Cha.

    That is WRONG.

    Walker was right about Brown and I wish Lennon would see that the guy aint good enough and did nothing against Braga. But Lennon praised his team, trying not to fall into the trap Mowbray did by not giving his players any credit.

    Your a new manager and you have a new team...you want to build confidence and morale so for Lennon to come out and slate them right before the season starts would help nobody. For all you know he is giving the players who didnt perform a kick up the * in private.

    Lennon speaks from the heart and is a very open person from what I have seen, so when asked the question by our twisted journalists he answered it with his heart. What the * is wrong with that??
  17. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    lennon stated a british spine ! the players he mentioned dont make up the spine of a team ! walker was spot on.
    on brown walker was spot on
    on going out with a whimper walker was spot on. lennon saying we had 65% pos and 37 crosses?? * that was embarassing
    lennon is manager of celtic. is he going to answer every bit of critiscm that comes his way??
  18. evilp3te

    Jul 22, 2009
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    James, Campbell, Ledley, Hooper. Thats a spine right there and they are all players Lennon went for. Did walker mention that .... NO!

    I like a manager who sticks up for himself and for the club. Why would you not want that?

    Would you rather he sat back and says, well andy walkers right...my teams * and we are an embarresment and a joke of a team and our transfer policy is *??

    Lennons a proud man and proud of his team. IMO if he continues to act like that it will filter into any player regardless of their nationality and maybe give us what we were missing last year.

    Walker is just hoping to get the limelight charlie nicholas usually gets for his rants
  19. Dempsey

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Tiobraid Arann, Eire
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Boruc & McGeady
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry
    But you havent asked the same question and I've pointed that out and now I'll repeat my answers to your questions if you like?

    McGeady eventually came around to the fact that you cant always get what you want. Lennon explained that to him and he explained that to the media regarding Walkers comments.

    When those deals fell through, what exactly should Lennon have done?

    Obviously there wasnt any other british players that were

    a) interested

    b) good enough

    c) value for money

    So should Lawwell have signed a player that wasnt good enough or overpriced to fulfil Lennon's dream or should he have gone down the road of getting good players for the money regardless of nationality.

    I dont want to hear what Andy Walker thinks, I want you to form your own opinion
  20. dazza585

    Jun 11, 2010
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    walker just gave his opinion. it wasnt pre planned he was just asked at a sponsors thing in georges square. lennon said he wanted a british spine ! thats what he said. why didnt he just say he wanted those 3 players. he stated the british spine not walker. so when these 3 players fell through did that mean that he didnt want the british spine? that was walkers point. i would rather that he didnt say nothing at all. its stinks of inexperience. is he going to answer back all the time ?? by answering he gave walker more limelight so wheres the sence ??