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Robson: Good chance McGeady will leave, Celtic fans must miss Strachan

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Markybhoy, Mar 19, 2010.

Discuss Robson: Good chance McGeady will leave, Celtic fans must miss Strachan in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. rossbhoy86

    May 11, 2009
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    Aviemore , Scotland
    felt like greetin watchin that , just realised how bad things have got
  2. rossbhoy86

    May 11, 2009
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    Aviemore , Scotland
    sorry got caried away mr moderator
  3. dannymac1888

    Mar 20, 2009
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    Robbo harpin on about 3iar never mentioned the followin year when he was as culpable as the rest TOSSPOT!
  4. MarcoVanBeasten

    Jan 28, 2010
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    On The Bayou
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    I'd like to see just how the journo worded his questions, I'm sure that'd change a few opinions with regards to Robson's comments. Reading what someone has said in text can be easily misinterpreted and I feel that's the case here. McDonald's comments however...
  5. obonfanti1888

    Feb 4, 2009
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    which is why Celtic players old and new should just not agree to interviews with slippery tabloid hacks!
  6. CH4 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 30, 2009
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    This clown of a manager deserve's to be beating by a stick and Robson's a * for speaking the truth....ffs

    man you need to get off TM's tadger
  7. Shepard

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Republic of North Lanarkshire
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    We want Strachan out, we want Strachan out, eh? Look at us now.

    He won more than Martin O'Niel did for us and took us further but the fans hated him. His football wasn't exactly Barca-like but we won with him.

    And what exactly has Mowbray been doing? 13 POINTS behind the Huns playing * football. The person who's football was supposed to be great! What a joke. Still waiting...

    Wish we still had WGS. :(
  8. Jinky.7

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Good chance McGeady will leave?, aw well. We'll get decent cash for him, and he won't be a big miss.

    As for wishing we still had Strachan?, hmm I'm not sure. As someone said earlier, I think he deserved at least one more season here. But it was clear that his team were running out of steam and the board showed they weren't going to provide the wee man with funds to rebuild. And with the amount of stick WGS took from everyone, it was probably for the best he left at the end of that disappointing season.
  9. Shepard

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Republic of North Lanarkshire
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Jimmy Johnstone
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Wolfetones - Celtic Symphony
    It's been speculated alot this year and the end of last that McGeady was considering taking his leave. But if he does go, we better get the right amount for him.

    And why, oh why was the board not keen on letting WGS build up a better team with the funds they're currently splashing to the man who got West Brom RELEGATED from the EPL? Why did we even go for a person who got his team RELEGATED to begin with? Doesn't that say right there that he's not good enough to manage a high-profile club like our own?

    Then you had the "He play's good football" tactics. WHERE IS THIS GOOD FOOTBALL? I've yet to see it! :31:
  10. MarcoVanBeasten

    Jan 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    On The Bayou
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Bertie Auld
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    You're clutching at straws if you think that the football we've played has been *, we've been poor defensivley, but going forward?...

    Strachan gave us immense success and I will always be grateful but I don't think for a second that anyone can honestly say that they expected Strachan to reach the level of success he did.

    WGS was set, by the board, the unenviable tasks of lowering the wage bill, lowering the average age of the squad and gaining domestic success...he excelled on all fronts, including making strides in Europe's elite competition which not even MoN could manage (with a far superior squad, I might add) Unfortunatley, Mowbray is a victim of this unforeseen success and has been left to not only emulate what WGS achieved but to also tidy up the mess that the wee man left behind and out of each of the squads that WGS and Mowbray inherited, I feel that Mowbray has received the far weaker squad with players who weren't a patch on the ageing squad of MoN that WGS was lucky to inherit, for example, I'd take a 32 year old Thompson over a 32 year old Robson any day of the week.

    I ask that all Mowbray haters cast their minds back to WGS' first competative match in charge, the CL qualifier against Artmedia Bratislava, how many of you wanted the wee man sacked after that?...how many felt that their opinion was reinforced when we drew 4-4 with Motherwell?...looking back, don't you feel a bit silly after seeing what WGS went on to achieve? Did the humble pie taste good?

    This time round, Mowbray has the far tougher job yet is getting a much rawer deal compared to Strachan based on the level of expectance by our ever spoiled fanbase.

    Too many fans can't see the forrest for the trees...

    (My apoligies for taking this off topic, if anyone wants to specifically reply to my post, please start a new thread! :icon_mrgreen:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2010
  11. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    No he doesn't. He deserves our support. If he gets it wrong again in the first half of next season then he'll have to go. Simple.

    That's my view anyway.
  12. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    Understatement of the millenium! His football was boring * that made me want to gouge my eyes out and roast them over an open fire just so they'd never again have to look at it. It was awful a lot of the time. The results weren't bad but the performances were evil on the eye.
  13. CH4 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 30, 2009
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    TM has split the fans smack down the middle and the only way for him to claw back the doubters is to prove us wrong,he needs to earn his stripes and by doing this is, practicing what he preaches, and win us the league next season.
    I know you are in favour of Mr Mowbray, i will be renewing 2 season tickets and hoping this happens but if he gets it wrong again in the first half,it might be too late and the huns will be going 3 iar

    everyone of our x players who have had a thing or two to say have been spot on with there views and will fade away into the night as soon as we see something positive concerning results and points
  14. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    I totally agree mate. No question about that. All things considered this season has been a bit of a nightmare and Tony Mowbray has to take his share of the blame for it. I just happen to believe he deserves a second chance to get it right. Hopefully he will but if he doesn't then he'll have to go and I myself will be wanting him to go if next season looks like it's going to go the same way this one has. I'll be sad if it comes to that thought because I like Tony Mowbray and I do think he is a capable manager.
  15. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    always liked Miller. Not a ball to feet sort of player and suits the more straight forward Scotland and Rangers type styles more than he did our own passing orientated game of 2 or 3 years ago. Misses a few but a very useful player IMO. People really slag him but look at the guys CV-loads of medals, played for the 2 top Scottish teams when they won the title, loads of caps and international goals, played in EPL. Most players wont get near his achievements.
  16. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Have to say I agree that anyone who cannot see what a brilliant player Robson is doesnt have a clue. He has so many assets. JUst because he has a slghtly rough and ready style seems to blind some people. Apparently he has been asolutely amazing for Boro and has scored loads and is already considered their best player. People often argue that championship is a higher level than the SPL. Well why sell a player who is really lighting up that league. I think he is the sort of late developer who will be excellent for a couple more seasons. I think players with all his assetts and sheer character are seriously rare at the affordable end of the market.
  17. doctor venglos

    Jan 11, 2008
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    Why do you want to give Mowbray another season when we are trailing them TEN points and they have a game in hand, and the Huns have the league all sewn up by the beginning of March. That does not compute.

    Do you want to risk Mowbray handing the Huns 3IAR too ? What evidence do you base this sychophantic adulation of Mowbray on ?
  18. jiko

    Feb 3, 2010
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    When Mowbray took the job on I wanted him to do really well , obviously first and foremost to bring success to the club , and then to do that extra bit more to get it up all the hun media snipers , but now I find myself wanting him to get success for all the people who are keeping faith in him , and then to get that extra bit of success to get it up some of our own fans , who I feel will not be deserving of joining in any celebrations should that time come..
  19. The The Hand

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Aw, too good! :56:

    Middlesbrough were in the Premier League last season. Since Gordon took over how many games have they won? What's that Barry - six?

    Yeah, that's right, six * games. Out of twenty-five.

    So you'd think you'd have more than enough to concentrate on without giving interviews to the Scottish gutter press about Celtic. :rolleyes:
  20. Frank_the_bhoy

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Hmmm a three in a row manager or an idiot who has got us 13pts behind the huns:87: Look at yourself ffs.

    I have never seen parkhead as such an unenjoyable place to go in my life:38:and that's thanks to the clown of a manager we have just now that's what robson meant, * RIGHT I MISS HIM